Bean 1 and Bean 2 updates

2/09/2008 05:18:00 PM

Hi Everyone!
Things have been moving along swimmingly in the Beadnell House. I am getting use to the lack of sleep although it is getting a little bit better every week. I have somehow been able to get Lilah on the every three hour meal schedule which has helped quite a bit in the slumber arena. She is officially two weeks old and getting smarter and more beautiful every day. We took her in for her first official check up at 11 days old and (you better sit down for this) she weighed in at 9lbs 1 oz! No typo, really....she almost gained a full pound just 11 days after birth (she weighed 8lbs 4 oz when she was born). And her height, weight and head size are all in proportion right now at 75% percentile each. What can I say, Mark & I breed perfection. Two perfect children, two lucky parents! <-Maybe I should go into the animal breeding business next, if this kind of luck carries over into different animal species as well I could be raising derby winners and best in show with no work at all.... :) Of course, that would only happen if Mark would let me buy a couple of dogs and horses to test out my theory hmmmm I let you know how that one develops.

I have some great news about bean #1 too. McKenna is now an alphabet aficinado. She has been reciting the alphabet like a champ the past few days and only gets caught up on the letter "L" which has always given her some trouble. She is such a great big sister and is so loving towards Lilah that I am finding the bigget problem in the home front is getting some Lilah time to myself. McKennas new favorite thing is laaying in the crib and pretend sleeping with Lilah. She gives her the biggest wetest smooches you have ever seen and bear hugs so big I have to ask her to be more gentle because I am afraid they may be too much for little Lilah. I am so happy that this last week has been an easy transition for McKenna, being that it was her first week staying home with mommy and Lilah and not attending daycare. I thought things would be bumpy at first, but she seems to be enjoying the time home and loves to fawn over her new sister. Well, Lilah is beginning to get grumpy at me and I hear McKenna stirring from her nap on the monitor so I had better be off.
Until next time,