These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do...

12/27/2008 10:30:00 PM 1 Comments

She's walking, she's walking, she's walking!!!!! Our beautiful little angel has been walking for a little over a week now and is getting mighty good at it. Lilah is pretty proud of herself when she gets onto her feet and displays her cowgirl/bowlegged walking stance, she's falling down plenty but it hasn't seemed to phase her at all. I have to say watching her make tracks is my favorite Christmas gift by's the gift that keeps on giving. :)

I am beginning to recover from pneumonia now, it's been a tough road but I think the antibiotics are starting to work. The toughest obstacle is trying to sleep through coughing which is a task in itself.....

Christmas turned out nice, Mark picked up my sister, my mom and dad from their homes so they could spend Christmas Day with us. We had tacos for lunch and opened some pretty spectacular gifts. I'd say the day turned out pretty perfect, and even the snow fall, which I usually scoff at, was a nice touch for Christmas Day. I can't remember the last white Christmas before this one. The girls were in a great mood the whole day and McKenna had a BLAST opening gifts. It turns out, it doesn't matter what you get for a toddler as long as it needs to be unwrapped, it makes them happy.

Thank you to everyone who made this Christmas so special for our family. We love you all!!!!

P.S. Mark got me a set of pans, an iron, and a hand you think I should take that as a hint?! ~Jaime

Electric Mayhem

12/22/2008 02:22:00 PM 1 Comments

So the December saga continues in The Beadnell Homestead. It's been a winter wonderland in Bothell, snowing more than...well, more than I think I have ever seen in this ne
ck of the woods before. I know there is a whole world of snow connoisseurs out there who would love our foot or more of snow, I however, am not one of those people. I find the snow to be completely miserable. I enjoy seeing i
t on postcards or on the tops of mountains hundreds of miles away, but that is pretty much the extent of my snow appreciation. So, needless to say I cannot wait for this snowy junk to melt...give me the rain any day over this. To add to my frozen misery, I have been really under the weather (no pun intended) since late last week. Mark has been taking char
ge of all the household duties with the babies and has been really great, though I can tell he's wearing a bit thin himself. Today I finally got into a walk in clinic (they were closed due to snow before....grrrrr) and I found out what I was hoping wasn't true. I have a massive pneumonia in my left lung. I could scream, but I may cough up a lung so I will spare you the details. I am hoping that the medicine I was given will make me feel better before Christmas arrives, and after that I will be counting down the days for this month to end!

Cough, Pflegm, Cough

Crazy Days & Lazy Days

12/14/2008 09:51:00 PM 1 Comments

This has been a LONG month so far for the Nellnell house. It started off with my sister, Jeni getting a tonsillectomy. You would think it would have been a relatively easy surgical procedure, but it was harder on her than expected and it landed her back in the hospital a few days after it was done from additional complications. The day she had to go back to the hospital, (Dec 4Th) for an overnight stay was also the day of my moms double mastectomy and unexpectedly also the day my Grandma Marie passed away. AHHH! I wasn't quite sure how to react to it all...and to be honest I really don't know how I reacted. The whole day was such a blur and so sad.
I am happy to report that since the worse day ever, things have gotten better for both my mom & sister. Both are recovering well from their ordeals and learning to do their everyday tasks again with their missing bits and pieces. Mom is set to start chemo again, likely within a week or two and we are certain that she will pull through it all with flying colors.
My family on my dads side is taking things one step at a time. The passing of my Grandmother Marie has been very difficult for my dad, well really for all of us, but especially on her children.
My Grandma passed peacefully in her sleep with her daughter, Kristi by her side after a long battle with cancer. She was the toughest lady you would ever meet and it was a absolute blessing to be a part of her life. Her funeral/wake was beautiful and was made extra special by a tribute DVD that Mark put together commemorating the highlights of her life. What a lucky lady I am to have such a talented hubby! In true Grandma Marie form she managed to get all of her family together again and helped us all bury any hatchets there may have been between family members. It was her last gift to all of us.
Now that the craziest day is behind us I must say, it was wonderful having an uneventful Sunday this weekend, hopefully our boring and uneventful days will continue through the rest of this year. Thank you all for your well wishes and support! I don't know how we would have made it through all of this without you all! Love Jaime