"Just checking my eyelids for leaks"

2/02/2008 01:26:00 AM

So it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm really trying to update the website and post some nice pictures of Lilah on there for you all to see, only it's going much slower than I'd like and there are sooooo many other things we are doing around the house that have taked precedence. Some pictures should be up by the end of this weekend. Shawn and Karen have posted some on their website. As I write this, Lilah is right beside me sleeping (and snoring) away in her little bouncy chair and McKenna and Jaime are sleeping away in the back room. The sleep issue has not been good lately, as anyone with a new baby can tell you. Lilah has been sleeping most of the day and has been up every hour or two at night for feedings and just to say hello...or as she puts it "Waaaaa". She seems to sleep better with noise and lights around. I'm hoping by keeping Lilah back in the man room with me, Jaime can actually get some much needed rest for herself (at least until Lilah deems it necessary to feast again.
McKenna is doing great, she is really good at being a big sister. She's very protective and when Lilah is crying she quickly runs over and strokes her hair and yells "it's OK, shhhhh, it's OK...". She just finished up her last day of day care on Thursday, which she will miss a lot, but it will be great bonding time with Mommy and little sister for her.
I finally got Lilah's room finished today and it mostly put back together again. Jaime still has to decorate with some wall hanging and etc, but the paint and trim are all done. I still have 3 doors to paint and some misc door trim to put up around the house over the new doors that we purchased and installed about 5 or 6 months ago.
We were frantically trying to get as much stuff done around the house as possible before Lilah's arrival, but it seems we were way to ambitious as a lot of that stuff is still on the To Do List. We did get the man room reorganized and all of the swords re-hung on one wall and touched up all of the paint around the house. I got Lasik surgery on my eyes and am recovering very nicely. I've been back for 2 follow up appointment so far and am seeing a little better than 20-15. (20-20 is what most people would call great visions, and 20-15 is better than that!).
Well, I best be waking up Jaime now, somebody wants to snack.
Thank you all for the emails, cards, and presents this past week. It's really nice to know we have so many people that care so much.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!! Wish I was there to give both of your beautiful girls a kiss and entertain them while their parents took a nap...
Love you all,