Sleep deprivation, Babies and dancing pigs

2/25/2008 04:25:00 PM

It's been one month since Lilah has joined our household and I am proud to announce that even through my lack of sleep, inadequate diet, and lack of contact with the outside world, I have not mistakenly blown up the house, accidentally shipped my children to Adu Dhabi or begun drooling and crying incessantly. That's right, I have thus far survived.
I think Lilah is sleeping better through the night now, but as with most things at this point in my sleep deprived life, I could be wrong....maybe I am just getting use to being in hyper drive 24/7. When I do sleep, my dreams are so vivid I could swear they are real....(if they ARE real, please let my dancing cloned pig Leroy know he missed ballet lessons if you see him), and none of my dreams ever seem to get an appropriate ending as they are disturbed by a beautiful little cry that sends me careening straight back into reality.
I really shouldn't complain anymore though because I do have an exceptionally beautiful new baby girl in addition to my already perfect little posse. She is growing so fast that I am almost ready to retire some of her newborn attire and she is already out of the newborn diapers and sailing through the next size up like she won't be wearing those long either. Today I took her to the aquarium with McKenna and Grandpa Rich for the first time and last week we went to the zoo. She seemed completely disinterested both times, but was a bit more interested at the aquarium (I think she could see the colors at the tropical exhibit) every time we passed a bright fish her eyes would get really huge. McKenna was great at the aquarium too....she is really into Nemo so naturally that tank was her favorite. It's not as hard as I thought it would be taking both girls places to visit. As long as I keep in perpetual motion, Lilah remains calm and as long as I keep McKenna constantly busy tantrums don't ensue. The only place I am utterly petrified to take both girls at this point is the grocery store so naturally that won't be happening for my large shopping visits for quite some time. Between McKenna pulling things off shelves and Lilah screaming every time the cart stopped I do believe I would leave the store bald and with a few more nervous ticks then I already have. Well, I suppose that's all for now. Both of my beans are asleep and I have a moment to relax before hyper-drive kicks in again (or I am asleep having a wonderful dream about sleeping which case PLEASE don't wake me)
Until next time,