“Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper. It doesn't permanently solve any problems, but it makes things more acceptable for a while.”

4/21/2006 09:57:00 AM

Yesterday was McKenna's official 24 week birthday! We celebrated by giving her zucchini gerber baby food for the first time (she ate only 2 or 3 bites so the jury's still out). Another big (very bad) thing that happened yesterday was that she climbed over the pillows I had stacked around her for her nap and almost fell off the bed. Yikes! So it looks like I need to start teaching her that she should take naps in her crib (which she HATES)
Mark & I will be spending this weekend continuing the process of becoming a legal and safe home for daycare services which I am really looking forward to as he and I scarcely get to spend quality time together anymore...go figure huh. But with all that has been going on here in relation to the daycare I know we are on the right track because the swingset is now McKenna's very favorite place. She is so giggly and happy when she is swinging, the higher the better!

The good news on the homefront is that some good friends of ours just had babies of their own. Amy & Tyler Banken just celebrated the birth of their first daughter Ada MacKenzie Banken on Friday April 14th. And Pete & Kristin Carlson celebrated the birth of their 2nd child Pete Jr shortly after on Wed April 19th (whom I will affectionately call Re-Pete) so little McKenna is going to have alot of good friends around her age!!!!!Mark & I have not yet seen Pete Jr, but we went to visit little Ada in the hospital and she is ADORABLE!!!! She was almost 3lbs lighter than McKenna when she was born so it was a little scary to hold her, but since I am a baby magnet now I couldn't resist!

I suppose that's all I have for now, I hope to get a chance to write again next week to tell everyone how this weekends adventure to the aquarium goes...it will be another first for McKenna.

Until then,