The cutest baby in the universe

12/20/2005 02:45:00 PM

It's official Today's top news story "Gerber baby loses cutest baby in the universe competion to previously unknown angel McKenna Gwen Beadnell." Her prize is an endless supply of diaper changes and a lovely convertible crib complete with all the amenities a 0 year old may require.
I am having more fun with her as each day progresses and continue to be amazed with every thing she does. December 18th was her first official "non gas" smile and for the last three weeks she has been gloriously holding her head up on her own. Mark & I are getting pretty good at figuring out what she wants and although she still maintains her right to a quality temper tantrum, they are becoming fewer and farther between. It's amazing to me how routine she has become in her habits already, she wakes up within 5 minutes of her feeding times almost every time now <-not forgetting to wake me as well, isn't that sweet?! Around 9:30 am and 1:30pm every day we turn on Ray Charles and dance which she also reminds me of. Ray Charles and Brad Paisley calm her right down and I recommend to any having children in the future to find a few favorite musicians and listen to them the last few months of your pregnancy....your baby will be familiar with them like McKenna is. I plan on writing to Brad Paisleys fan club soon to thank him for all the times he saved us from impending cry fests. With McKennas first Christmas just around the corner Mark and I have been busy shopping and cleaning up. It's nice the first year of her life because I can buy her all practical stuff as she won't know the difference, this will be the first and last year I can do that I'm sure. It seems to be a theme this year of practical gifts because as a gift for our house Mark & I got a new improved whirlpool duet dryer, that's right eat your hearts out ladies it can dry plastic (including plastic tableclothes) and has a wrinkle guard so clothes never wrinkle. Since it can do 24 towels or 16 pairs of jeans at a time I plan on letting my laundry pile to the ceiling so I can baske in my squalor before I wipe it away. Let this be your warning if you plan on visiting. :) This year we got a frasier fir tree and we will soon post pics on our website of McKenna in front of it. It's pretty but already very very dead. Can't win em all. Well, to all who read this, Merry Christmas and New Year.