Installation complete

8/28/2005 08:06:00 PM

We bought a car seat for the baby, and after hours of seatbelt extensions, straps, instruction booklets, and head scratching, I finally got it installed. (It really wasn't that hard after I understood it, call me an idiot) So we're ready for that baby now! We got a crib and a carseat, and diapers...everything else is just icing on the cake. .....So where's that baby at already?.....

Jaime and I had our 2nd baby class yesterday...watched a few birthing videos and practiced some more breathing techniques and calming exercises. Jaime's definitely the hottest mama in the class!

We also watched a few dvds while relaxing this weekend. Starting off with A Lot Like Love w/ Ashton Kutcher & Amanda Peet. This was actually a pretty good movie for a chick flick. I laughed and cri....uh laughed some more. Sin City was a visually great movie, and Beauty Shop followed up the weekend with a few laughs as well. Out of a 5 five diaper rating we'll give A Lot Like Love 3-3/4, Sin City gets 3-1/2, and Beauty Shop gets 3 diapers.

Speaking of installations, Jeff and I finished up installing a couple of windows at his house today. One was just a replacement in his bedroom, and the other was a full blown new window in a wall where there was previously no window. It looks really good and it went pretty fast, faster than the carseat installation.....