McKenna has also just started to fundraise for a TrikeAThon to benefit St Jude Children's Research Hospital. She's only been doing it for 2 days and so far many people have generously donated $385.00. Her original goal was $150, while her class goal is still set at $1500. As you can see, she has already shattered her individual goal, and we hope the class does better than than their goal for this exceptional cause. If you have donated, thank you very much. If you haven't and you'd like to monetarily you can go to her St Jude webpage. If you'd like to help other than monetarily, you could post the link ( and a short blurb about the cause on your Facebook, Twitter, or Blog.
Lilah is doing great, she is wearing "big girl panties" now throughout the day and is extremely proud of herself. She's turned into a real prankster and comedian as well. She knows that McKenna doesn't like mustard, so every time Jaime or I are making sandwhiches, she'll open the fridge and grab the mustard bottle and hand it to us and say, "McKenna want's a bunch of this on in her lunch!". The other night while I was putting her to bed, (I usually dance with her in the dark and sing her a little song before I leave) she turned to me, put one finger on my lips mid song and said, "Shhhh, you really shouldn't sing that. Try the ABC song" and then started to giggle. She is learning her alphabet and numbers from her sister, and they both play together for hours with their dolls or making pretend. It usually consists of McKenna telling Lilah what to do and say and then Lilah going along with it for a bit and then turning trying to turn the tide.
I've been busy racking up the ebooks on my Kindle during my lunch breaks at work. And fiddling with my own Android HTC Incredible.
That sums up all I can think of for the time being. I've just posted some more pictures on our website.
Until next time, Stay Classy!
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