Coneheads and poopy diapers

11/07/2005 11:10:00 AM

She's here! Finally :) McKenna Gwen Beadnell arrived to us at 3pm on November the 3rd, 2005. She weighs 8 lbs, 15 oz and is 20 inches long. Has a full head of black hair and is as cute as can be. (My newborn can beat up your newborn!) Jaime is doing pretty good, she had a tough delivery (long) and now has Strep Throat as well. She's been trying to get her rest, and I've been trying to do all I can to make sure she gets her rest. There are some thing I just can't do however (breast feed), although sometimes when I'm burping McKenna, she doesn't realize this and tries anyway.

Getting used to waking up every few hours has been difficult for both of us...and the poop that comes out of her....OH MY! The first 10 or so was this dark dark black sticky tar...I was thinking of patching up some road out front of the house with it. For those of you that have had babies I'm sure this is not surprising, but OH MY! we're in to a lighter brown watery kind....easier to clean up, but it doesn't always stay in the diaper! OH MY! In the last 3 days since we've been home we've done about 10 loads of laundry already. Anyways....enough of the poop. (I've got more stories if you want to hear about it, that means you Jeff)

So all is well, even better than would be perfect if Jaime was feeling better. We're just so happy that McKenna is here and she's healthy and beautiful and ours!

The next blog will be a breakdown of our time at the hospital.

Until next time.....
Mark, Jaime, and McKenna

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