The Adventures of a Sizeable Tummy

10/21/2005 02:01:00 PM

12-1/2 actual days to the "due date" to go. However, on our last doctors visit on Tuesday the doctor said she'd be surprised if we went that long. Jaime and I are keeping our fingers crossed! Jaime is having a lot of BraxtonHicks contractions and feels like she's ready to go any moment. Although I think the baby will have the last word on the when part. We've found a pediatrician for the little one that comes highly recommended and isn't taking new clients unless it's by referral....but we got in :) Still looking for a child care place and going over all of the possibilities. Jaime is working a little less at work, but is still very tired at the end of even her shortest day. She takes lots of naps, and drinks a lot of water. We take walks on our breaks at work which I think helps a little bit.
I've been pretty busy lately with work and school. The last few weekends I helped Jeff put the start of a shop in his garage. It's a similar setup to mine in the design of the counters. His garage is fairly finished with drywall, so it looks a lot cleaner. It should be a good setup for him.
We haven't watched many movies lately, but I am renting the entire 1st season of Veronica Mars with Kristen Bell. It's a great series. 4-1/2 Diapers
We're also hooked on ABC's LOST. (Me more than Jaime, I think) There are TONS of cool websites and theory boards out's really got a lot more to it than just the surface of the show. It's a great mystery to try and solve before the next installment airs. A Strong 5 Diaper rating.
If you've been watching you might want to take a look at some of the following websites: this is a great site with lots of hidden "easter eggs" to discover this site has some pretty interesting theories some people have WAY too much time on their hands putting the clues together one by one.

Well, until next time