6 days left and counting

1/16/2008 05:41:00 PM

So we only have a week left until our little dumpling is born and let me tell you...IT IS NOT SOON ENOUGH! The best thing about being pregnant is the birth when you are NOT pregnant anymore. <-For those of you women who do not have children and are thinking about it....don't let anyone tell you different!

We are getting ready at a crazy pace in this house, but the problem is that we have sooo many projects going on at once that nothing is quite there yet. I made a quilt and 2 baby size decorator pillows for the baby and we just re-did the man room lotr wall and touched up all the living room paint and manroom paint on the walls. We still are working on the nursery (which Mark has about 3/4 of the way finished) as well as about 100 other projects. I am pretty sure Mark and I were out of our minds when we decided to take on all of these tasks. At least McKenna's room is complete and even has an awesome Wizard of Oz Mural up in it, courtesy of Karen & Shawn at Christmas time (thanks guys) and we have all of the baby clothes, swings, etc for the new arrival cleaned and ready to go when she arrives. McKenna is gearing up for becoming a big sister and is already very loving to the baby she calls "Dubbum" in my tummy, I can't wait to see how things go when the house has a teensy baby in it again, along with our little headstrong toddler who has proudly entered into her terrible twos and is doing a smashing job letting everyone know who is boss. I have to say that it can be a little embarrassing in the stores when a tantrum hits, but even those fits of rage are worn so well on McKenna that I can't help but love them :) I hope we can catch alot of them on camera so I can play them for her friends in her highschool years haha!

Well, I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and New Year Celebration.
Until next time when I am hopefully 15lbs lighter,