"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" GW Bush

12/02/2006 02:54:00 PM

So Monday is a big day for us in casa de Beadnell. I have officially thrown in the towel and disbanded the NellNell Daycare and am joining the masses of human robots in a regular working environment. My good friend from junior HS, Casey Schoepflin, will be resuming my daily motherly duties with my little angel while I slave away at the computer 9 hours a day. I am happy that someone I love and trust so much will be taking care of McKenna during the day, but also very sad that I won't be with her all of the time anymore. McKenna is growing so quickly I am afraid I will be missing out on everything with her. It should actually be interesting the first week to see how we manage without each other, I have only been away from her for one full day before so I don't quite know yet what I should expect. Last week she started saying "pity' (for pretty, and "duck" to add to her ever growing vocabulary. And she is starting to follow in her daddies footsteps and is trying to scale every piece of furniture in the house. I do believe he will make a rock climber of her yet.
We are almost completely ready for Christmas to be here and put up lights inside this past week. I have also finished wrapping all of the Christmas gifts finally (with nary a paper cut) so things are starting to feel much less hectic. I can't wait to see McKenna's face at Christmas time and hope she is more interested in unwrapping gifts then she was on her birthday.
Until then,


Anonymous said...

That is really funny "Is our child learning! U made my day. Lol

Anonymous said...

I meant Is our children lol that is so funny

Sarah said...

Jaime, you always amaze me. You finally got your Christmas presents wrapped--on December 2nd!!! You're so on top of those kinds of things. Here I am, about to wrap my presents, on December 22nd. And I don't even have any kids to distract me! :) Anyway, I'm catching up on some things now that the schools are on break, and I thought I'd check out your blog--hope you don't mind me posting a comment. Jeff and I hope you're all doing well and that you, Mark, and McKenna enjoy Christmas!