Hakuna Matata

8/15/2006 01:24:00 PM

Right now McKenna is asleep in her bed and Ada our new friend is asleep in the bouncy chair beneath my feet. It is turning out to be alot of fun around here 4 days a week when Ada comes to visit. McKenna has officially said her third word....It's Ada! The first two of course were Dada and Mama. She is getting very good at waving byebye now and claps when she thinks something is great! She gives the biggest kisses ever and gets a HUGE grin on her face likes she has just done you the biggest favor in the world by sharing her slobber! I can't believe she will be turning one year old in a few months....seems like she is doing something new every day now. It makes me so happy and sad at the same time. Well, like I said a moment ago her first birthday is arriving very soon and we are preparing ourselves for the biggest celebration this house has ever seen. We are planning on throwing a costume party on October 28th in McKenna's honor and already have our costumes at the ready. It's going to be a smorgasbord of delights!
The daycare is going well too! I think Ada is finally getting use to the crazy Beadnell ways and before you know it we will have her taking part in all of our bad habits (j/k Amy & Tyler). She is a little sweetheart and has moments when you just want to snuggle her and never stop! She is starting to giggle alot and it is so rewarding to get one out of her that she often gets annoyed with you when you just won't stop trying :) Well, before she wakes I'd better go. Until next time, J