Things are going great in chez Beadnell. Lilah is 9 weeks old and is getting bigger and more fun with each passing day. She smiles alot now and coos happily when Mark & I tickle her. McKenna is really great with Lilah and gives her kisses and hugs when she cries, I have to say though, McKenna has become more work ten Lilah lately. She is in her terrible twos now and is as obstinant and cranky as a child can possibly be. She no longer takes naps and she gets into everything you tell her not to. She also has a ton of little sayings know that help get her point across "Don't touch that," "I said no mommy," "Are you mocking me?" etc.
She thinks she's the boss.....well she is the boss, but don't tell her that.
The girls both have colds (Lilahs first) so we have been stuck indoors and staying near home the past few days and I am starting to go a bit stir crazy, but other than that I'd say we have been pretty lucky lately. No unexpected stuff has happen to ruin our little role we have going on. Hopefully I will be able to blog again soon!
Until then,